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The Trick To Life Is…

We speak on this topic a lot as it marks a very important crucial moment in our evolution when we realise that playing it safe is not how we’ll get to where we want go. We simply must summon the courage to step out of our comfort zone.

This is a courageous act, because we’ve already set our lives up. People expect us to act a certain way & do pretty much what we’ve always done with slight shifts along the way. We even expect ourselves to do what we do… which is where a consistent meditation practice comes in. It helps us to break the habit of being ourselves.

So, it’s a powerful move to detour off the expected trajectory and onto another. We wholeheartedly encourage you to follow the path that’s lit up in your heart…this is the key to living more artfully & the trick to finding that happy & fulfilled life we’re all after.

With love

Cass & Marcus x

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