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If You’re In Conflict With Someone, Try This…

If you’re in conflict with someone offer them a silent blessing…

“May they be happy, may they heal, may they receive what they need”.

By genuinely doing so, we can activate a greater intelligence that knows how to resolve that which seems unresolvable.

Your intention & attention are drivers of your experience. We give our creative power & energy to that which we focus on (the positive & the negative). Conversely, when we withdraw our attention, we withdraw creative energy.

So, if you have any ongoing conflict situation…. Are you focussing on all the things that are the problem? All the ways you are right and they are wrong? How exhaustingly painful they are?


If your intention & attention are creative energies, is it possible that you are energetically contributing to keep the conflict alive & thriving?
What if you expected a resolution?
What kind of energy would you be sending then?
What is it this person needs to feel happy, peaceful, fulfilled?
How can you shift your mindset so that you’re using your energy to create the outcome you desire? 

If you are having issues with someone in your life you can play around with this concept & try it out… switching from expecting the negative, to expecting a resolution & be open to how that happens & when.

We heard Krishna’s Das once jokingly say about sending loving kindness practice to a challenging person…

“May you be happy, may you be free…. So you can leave me the F#CK alone!”

So if that’s all you can muster it’s a good start!

Our intention & attention is supremely powerful… sharpen your focus, be intentional with your creative energy and bring to life that which you want to experience.

With love,

Cass + Marcus x

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