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Surrender – The Art of Letting Go

13.8 billion years has passed since the beginning of this universe…
every moment that’s come before conspiring to get you to this very breath.

What would happen if you dropped all the resistance, all the struggle, the attempts to manipulate and control?

What if you fully surrendered to this moment, just the way it is?

Through the art of letting go, we notice a quality spaciousness arises in our consciousness. & we catch a glimpse of the love and intelligence behind it all..

Life is not a problem we need to work out. It’s all happening for us – all we need do is learn how to get out of our head, let go and trust. This is why we have a daily practice. Meditation gives us the opportunity to practice surrendering to the present moment as it presents itself.

To be clear, the act of surrender in this context is not a passive state.
Just because we accept life without resistance doesn’t mean that we don’t act. As our teacher says “if you can change something that isn’t serving you, then change it fully.
If you can’t change it, accept it fully. Everything else is insanity.” Meditation helps us to distinguish the difference.

We progressively get better at letting go of that which is out of our control… trusting that everything is unfolding as it should. When we let go of our resistance, we are able to flow with life. And that feels good.

With love

Marcus & Cass

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