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The art of hugging

Not all hugs are equal…

We seem to select a style of hug to suit the situation or hug recipient. For example intimate hugs, parent and young children hugs, parent and teenage children hugs, thank you hugs, extended family hugs, friend hugs etc.

Hugs also come with personalities. The person always in a rush will give lightening fast contact and boom, over! There are power huggers – intense squeezers… potentially neck crackers! Awkward and shy huggers. Back slappers. Or staunch anti-huggers. Infinite variations!

In recent years, we’ve discovered that there’s actually an art to hugging. A good hug is encoded with compassion, understanding, love and connection. It feels amazing to share such a moment with another soul.

And it’s scientifically verified. Did you know that a 20 second hug causes the release Oxytocin, the hormone and neurotransmitter responsible for bonding – nature’s own antidepressant.

To hug well, heart to heart embrace. Don’t be shy. Get close. Silence is nice. No rush. Breathe (often your breathing will naturally sync). Be as present as you possibly can. Relax into it and stay for as long as feels right… extend your limitations of how long this is! But best not to freak people new to ‘extended hugging’ out… you’ll know when the hugging party is over.

It is surprising how the connection from one being to another can be deepened with a good hug.

Happy hugging xxx

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