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The truth about Yoga…

There are a lot of misconceptions that unfortunately put many people off ‘Yoga’. “It’s for extremely flexible people. It’s for sensitive types. It’s for spiritual types. It’s for drop-outs. Hippies…..

Truth is, it’s a complex and extraordinarily sophisticated system of knowledge, detailing every single aspect of existence… the human experience, all life and matter, the universe and beyond. Supremely intelligent…nothing flaky about it!

It is ancient yet constantly evolving and adaptable allowing it to remain relevant at any point on the continuum of time (this is totally verifiable from the explosion of interest worldwide).

It is not a religion… there are no rules or dogma… yoga is inclusive, it is not against anything or anyone. Modern physics now verifies the insights on the nature of reality as expressed in the Yogic knowledge. There is something for everyone – it meets us where we are at, and we move from there.

Deeply exploring the undiluted yogic knowledge is not for spiritual sightseers … it requires courage, commitment, and a deep level of inquiry into one’s own nature, the universe and the intelligence behind it all.

All that said, if you’re not already practicing, we highly recommend that you start with meditation, which is the foundational practice of the whole system. Find a technique that works for you (there are many). We teach Vedic meditation because it is simple and extraordinarily powerful.

If you’re already meditating – fantastic. Consider whether it’s time to deepen your practice through exploring the broader system of yogic practices we offer (advanced Vedic Meditation techniques, 1:1 sessions, breathwork, kriya, and Sattva Yoga)

Pic: Marion Michele

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