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Rejection Hurts

It feels much better when we understand that rejection is simply redirection.

Rejection hurts. It reinforces ideas of unworthiness & fuels our lack of selfworth.

But actually when something we want, or think we want, doesn’t happen we are spun off in a different direction that we wouldn’t be heading if the former desire had been fulfilled.

How many times has something unfortunate turned out to be a blessing because of the redirection that occurred? Then with hindsight we say, that ‘rejection’ was actually for the best.

There’s a lovely Vedic story about this, which essentially teaches that the wise answer to any situation arising is “Good thing? Bad thing? I don’t know”. Sometimes a good thing turns out bad. Sometimes bad turns out good. But we accept it all as part of our journey. We learn to let go of control and resistance to what is. Let it come. All of it.

The river is not straight, there are turns, boulders, narrowing & widening… but still, the water continues on its way to the ocean…

With love
Cass and Marcus

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