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You Could Have a Drink Or…

Sure you could have couple of drinks
to unwind after a long day.
Or you could meditate.

It’s natural to want to shake off the busy-ness of a long day. To want to change gears and relax. Many turn to a couple of beers or wines (or more) to do so. We used to.

Trick is that the good feelings we get are very short-lived and the negative effects trickle into the next day (and into our nervous systems). Fogginess, lack of energy and vibrancy, change in the type of foods (salt, sugar, fatty) we are drawn to. Broken sleep. The expense! Then the afternoon/evening comes and what perks us up is a drink… and so the cycle goes on and on. We might not consider ourselves alcoholics but we are dependent on it (not that we like to admit that).

Meditation is a beautiful technology which allows us to unwind and de-stress at the end of the day. Through it we gain clarity, as opposed to fogginess. Aliveness versus lethargy. Deep sleep versus shallow. We increasingly gravitate towards healthier choices in all that we consume (food, places, activities, entertainment, people).

Lots of people are caught on the wheel of alcohol dependency. It’s a habit, our bodies and minds have been trained over time to operate in this way. But like all habits, it can be broken and a new one will take it’s place.

So if you’re on the hamster wheel of alcohol consumption we understand, we’ve been there! But it’s nice to know that change is possible if you ever feel like your done with it.

With love

Cass & Marcus x

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