We speak on this topic a lot as it marks a very important crucial moment in our evolution when we realise that playing it safe is not how we'll get to where we want go. We simply must summon the courage to step out of
Think about those moments in your life, from a very young child up until now when you experienced shame. Notice how your body language might shift to feeling heavy or you may experience an unpleasant feeling in the gut or heart... Shame is problematic and
It feels much better when we understand that rejection is simply redirection. Rejection hurts. It reinforces ideas of unworthiness & fuels our lack of selfworth. But actually when something we want, or think we want, doesn’t happen we are spun off in a different direction
We get to the truth eventually so why do we wait? Honesty simply saves everyone time. When we consider the fact that we only have a limited time here on this planet, in this body...we start to become more interested in truth. Since what's the
Happiness will not be handed to us on a silver platter. It comes from the choices we make, every single day. When we get sick enough of our own crap (self sabotaging patterns), we can begin to actively create the kind of reality we want.
Give yourself permission to laugh often and laugh deep. It is a great medicine for the soul. Anand Mehrotra We can get so caught up in ourselves... our opinions, agendas, identities, narratives and problems that we lose perspective. But it’s all just a ‘blip’ when
Sure you could have couple of drinks to unwind after a long day. Or you could meditate. It’s natural to want to shake off the busy-ness of a long day. To want to change gears and relax. Many turn to a couple of beers or
We can’t tell you the number of times someone tells us that surfing, running, rock climbing, slack-lining, music etc. is their meditation. While these types of activities can certainly lead to flow states that snap us momentarily out of our incessant thinking and into present
‘If you get the inside right the outside will fall into place’ - Eckhart Tolle If we’re truly interested in upgrading our experience of life, we cannot afford to ignore the mind. Truth is, the content of our thoughts determines the content of our lives.
It seems a lot of people think they don’t have time to meditate. Life is simply ‘too busy’ to do something as unproductive as sitting and closing your eyes. There’s an old Zen proverb that says ‘if you don’t have time to meditate for 20