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Which Wolf Are You Feeding?

You may have heard the old story, usually attributed to a Native American elder, meant to illuminate the power of attention.

A grandfather (occasionally it’s a grandmother) imparting a life lesson to his grandson tells him,”I have two wolves fighting in my heart. One wolf is vengeful, fearful, envious, resentful, deceitful. The other wolf is loving, compassionate, generous, truthful, and serene.”

The grandson asks which wolf will win the fight.

The grandfather answers, “The one I feed.”

– Sharon Salzberg, Mindfulness Expert.

We love the wisdom in this story which reminds us of the polarities we all have within – the light and the shadow. The inner battle. As we know; where our attention goes, our energy flows. Are we feeding the dark thoughts & lower tendencies of our being, or are we cultivating the light, the uplifting, the evolutionary? In the busy-ness of life we can get carried away, forgetting that we do always have a choice. So we ask ourselves, which wolf am I feeding?

Without commitment to our personal practice (e.g meditation), most people have a negative thought bias (fear, competition, judgement, unworthiness etc). Through our practice we are cultivating our ability to be ‘aware’ of ourselves – our thoughts, emotions, behaviours. We can’t change what we can’t see. Meditation illuminates our subconscious programs, which… then we actively begin to rewrite & transcend that which is not aligned with the person we are becoming & the new life we are interested in creating.

With love,

Cass & Marcus

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